Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chiara Baravalle, Outline

1)    Historical context
a.     What were the major events/trends that affected (the rhetoric/culture of) fatherhood
b.    Why/How was the ideology of domesticity and separate spheres constructed?
2)    Address causes of historical misinterpretation
a.     Historiographic gap
                                               i.     Assumptions and misrepresentation made by historians
b.    Questions left un-answered?
3)    Overview of change over time
a.     Nature of sources
b.    Delineate assumption
4)    Define terms
a.     Gender, manhood, masculinity in relation to fatherhood
b.    Fatherhood as an ideological process
c.     ‘Natural’ differences between the sexes?
d.    ‘Masculine domesticity’
5)    Male responses
a.     Post-bellum era
                                               i.     What is modern fatherhood?
                                              ii.     Father’s care?
                                             iii.     Theodore Dwight
                                            iv.     Parents’ Magazine
                                             v.     Reverend John Abbott
                                            vi.     William Alcott
                                           vii.     Henry Ward Beecher and John Angell Adams
                                          viii.     T.S. Arthur
                                            ix.     Knights of Columbus
b.    Progressive Era
                                               i.     New system of passionate masculinity? (Era of industrialization & individualism)
                                              ii.     State welfare & Paternal autonomy
                                             iii.     Rise of feminism (& anti-feminism)
                                            iv.     Companionate marriage
                                             v.     Job security
                                            vi.     Suburbs
                                           vii.     G. Stnaley Hall (‘natural’ masculinity v. true manhood)
                                          viii.     Henry James, The Bostonians
                                            ix.     James Canfield
                                             x.     Martha and Robert Bruère
                                            xi.     Albert Beveridge
                                           xii.     Bernarr Macfadden
c.     Female responses
                                               i.     Lydia Maria Child & David Lee Child > Charles Cummings
                                              ii.     Harriet Beecher Stowe
                                             iii.     Abby Morton Diaz
6)    Fatherhood and male dominance (Structures & Institutions)

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